Source code for lux.core.frame

#  Copyright 2019-2020 The Lux Authors.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import pandas as pd
from lux.core.series import LuxSeries
from lux.vis.Clause import Clause
from lux.vis.Vis import Vis
from lux.vis.VisList import VisList
from lux.history.history import History
from lux.utils.message import Message
from lux.utils.utils import check_import_lux_widget
from typing import Dict, Union, List, Callable

# from lux.executor.Executor import *
import warnings
import traceback
import lux

[docs]class LuxDataFrame(pd.DataFrame): """ A subclass of pd.DataFrame that supports all dataframe operations while housing other variables and functions for generating visual recommendations. """ # MUST register here for new properties!! _metadata = [ "_intent", "_inferred_intent", "data_type", "unique_values", "cardinality", "_rec_info", "_min_max", "_current_vis", "_widget", "_recommendation", "_prev", "_history", "_saved_export", "_sampled", "_toggle_pandas_display", "_message", "_pandas_only", "pre_aggregated", ]
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kw): from lux.executor.PandasExecutor import PandasExecutor self._history = History() self._intent = [] self._inferred_intent = [] self._recommendation = {} self._saved_export = None self._current_vis = [] self._prev = None self._widget = None super(LuxDataFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.table_name = "" lux.config.executor = PandasExecutor() self._sampled = None self._toggle_pandas_display = True self._message = Message() self._pandas_only = False # Metadata self.data_type = None self.unique_values = None self.cardinality = None self._min_max = None self.pre_aggregated = None warnings.formatwarning = lux.warning_format
@property def _constructor(self): return LuxDataFrame @property def _constructor_sliced(self): def f(*args, **kwargs): s = LuxSeries(*args, **kwargs) for attr in self._metadata: # propagate metadata s.__dict__[attr] = getattr(self, attr, None) return s return f @property def history(self): return self._history def maintain_metadata(self): # Check that metadata has not yet been computed if not hasattr(self, "_metadata_fresh") or not self._metadata_fresh: # only compute metadata information if the dataframe is non-empty if len(self) > 0: lux.config.executor.compute_stats(self) lux.config.executor.compute_dataset_metadata(self) self._infer_structure() self._metadata_fresh = True
[docs] def expire_recs(self): """ Expires and resets all recommendations """ self._recs_fresh = False self._recommendation = {} self.current_vis = None self._widget = None self._rec_info = None self._sampled = None
[docs] def expire_metadata(self): """ Expire all saved metadata to trigger a recomputation the next time the data is required. """ self._metadata_fresh = False self.data_type = None self.unique_values = None self.cardinality = None self._min_max = None self.pre_aggregated = None
##################### ## Override Pandas ## ##################### def __getattr__(self, name): ret_value = super(LuxDataFrame, self).__getattr__(name) self.expire_metadata() self.expire_recs() return ret_value def _set_axis(self, axis, labels): super(LuxDataFrame, self)._set_axis(axis, labels) self.expire_metadata() self.expire_recs() def _update_inplace(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LuxDataFrame, self)._update_inplace(*args, **kwargs) self.expire_metadata() self.expire_recs() def _set_item(self, key, value): super(LuxDataFrame, self)._set_item(key, value) self.expire_metadata() self.expire_recs() def _infer_structure(self): # If the dataframe is very small and the index column is not a range index, then it is likely that this is an aggregated data is_multi_index_flag = self.index.nlevels != 1 not_int_index_flag = not pd.api.types.is_integer_dtype(self.index) small_df_flag = len(self) < 100 self.pre_aggregated = (is_multi_index_flag or not_int_index_flag) and small_df_flag if "Number of Records" in self.columns: self.pre_aggregated = True very_small_df_flag = len(self) <= 10 if very_small_df_flag: self.pre_aggregated = True @property def intent(self): """ Main function to set the intent of the dataframe. The intent input goes through the parser, so that the string inputs are parsed into a lux.Clause object. Parameters ---------- intent : List[str,Clause] intent list, can be a mix of string shorthand or a lux.Clause object Notes ----- :doc:`../guide/intent` """ return self._intent @intent.setter def intent(self, intent_input: Union[List[Union[str, Clause]], Vis]): is_list_input = isinstance(intent_input, list) is_vis_input = isinstance(intent_input, Vis) if not (is_list_input or is_vis_input): raise TypeError( "Input intent must be either a list (of strings or lux.Clause) or a lux.Vis object." "\nSee more at:" ) if is_list_input: self.set_intent(intent_input) elif is_vis_input: self.set_intent_as_vis(intent_input) def clear_intent(self): self.intent = [] self.expire_recs() def set_intent(self, intent: List[Union[str, Clause]]): self.expire_recs() self._intent = intent self._parse_validate_compile_intent() def _parse_validate_compile_intent(self): self.maintain_metadata() from lux.processor.Parser import Parser from lux.processor.Validator import Validator self._intent = Parser.parse(self._intent) Validator.validate_intent(self._intent, self) self.maintain_metadata() from lux.processor.Compiler import Compiler self.current_vis = Compiler.compile_intent(self, self._intent) def copy_intent(self): # creates a true copy of the dataframe's intent output = [] for clause in self._intent: temp_clause = clause.copy_clause() output.append(temp_clause) return output
[docs] def set_intent_as_vis(self, vis: Vis): """ Set intent of the dataframe based on the intent of a Vis Parameters ---------- vis : Vis Input Vis object """ self.expire_recs() self._intent = vis._inferred_intent self._parse_validate_compile_intent()
def to_pandas(self): import lux.core return lux.core.originalDF(self, copy=False) @property def recommendation(self): if self._recommendation is not None and self._recommendation == {}: from lux.processor.Compiler import Compiler self.maintain_metadata() self.current_vis = Compiler.compile_intent(self, self._intent) self.maintain_recs() return self._recommendation @recommendation.setter def recommendation(self, recommendation: Dict): self._recommendation = recommendation @property def current_vis(self): # _parse_validate_compile_intent does not call executor, # we only attach data to current vis when user request current_vis if ( self._current_vis is not None and len(self._current_vis) > 0 and self._current_vis[0].data is None ): lux.config.executor.execute(self._current_vis, self) return self._current_vis @current_vis.setter def current_vis(self, current_vis: Dict): self._current_vis = current_vis def __repr__(self): # TODO: _repr_ gets called from _repr_html, need to get rid of this call return "" ####################################################### ########## SQL Metadata, type, model schema ########### ####################################################### def set_SQL_table(self, t_name): self.table_name = t_name self.compute_SQL_dataset_metadata() def compute_SQL_dataset_metadata(self): self.get_SQL_attributes() for attr in list(self.columns): self[attr] = None self.data_type = {} #####NOTE: since we aren't expecting users to do much data processing with the SQL database, should we just keep this ##### in the initialization and do it just once self.compute_SQL_data_type() self.compute_SQL_stats() def compute_SQL_stats(self): # precompute statistics self.unique_values = {} self._min_max = {} self.get_SQL_unique_values() # self.get_SQL_cardinality() for attribute in self.columns: if self.data_type[attribute] == "quantitative": self._min_max[attribute] = ( self[attribute].min(), self[attribute].max(), ) def get_SQL_attributes(self): if "." in self.table_name: table_name = self.table_name[self.table_name.index(".") + 1 :] else: table_name = self.table_name query = f"SELECT column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = '{table_name}'" attributes = list(pd.read_sql(query, lux.config.SQLconnection)["column_name"]) for attr in attributes: self[attr] = None def get_SQL_cardinality(self): cardinality = {} for attr in list(self.columns): card_query = pd.read_sql( f"SELECT Count(Distinct({attr})) FROM {self.table_name}", lux.config.SQLconnection, ) cardinality[attr] = list(card_query["count"])[0] self.cardinality = cardinality def get_SQL_unique_values(self): unique_vals = {} for attr in list(self.columns): unique_query = pd.read_sql( f"SELECT Distinct({attr}) FROM {self.table_name}", lux.config.SQLconnection, ) unique_vals[attr] = list(unique_query[attr]) self.unique_values = unique_vals def compute_SQL_data_type(self): data_type = {} sql_dtypes = {} self.get_SQL_cardinality() if "." in self.table_name: table_name = self.table_name[self.table_name.index(".") + 1 :] else: table_name = self.table_name # get the data types of the attributes in the SQL table for attr in list(self.columns): query = f"SELECT DATA_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '{table_name}' AND COLUMN_NAME = '{attr}'" datatype = list(pd.read_sql(query, lux.config.SQLconnection)["data_type"])[0] sql_dtypes[attr] = datatype for attr in list(self.columns): if str(attr).lower() in ["month", "year"]: data_type[attr] = "temporal" elif sql_dtypes[attr] in [ "character", "character varying", "boolean", "uuid", "text", ]: data_type[attr] = "nominal" elif sql_dtypes[attr] in [ "integer", "real", "smallint", "smallserial", "serial", ]: if self.cardinality[attr] < 13: data_type[attr] = "nominal" else: data_type[attr] = "quantitative" elif "time" in sql_dtypes[attr] or "date" in sql_dtypes[attr]: data_type[attr] = "temporal" self.data_type = data_type def _append_rec(self, rec_infolist, recommendations: Dict): if recommendations["collection"] is not None and len(recommendations["collection"]) > 0: rec_infolist.append(recommendations) def maintain_recs(self): # `rec_df` is the dataframe to generate the recommendations on # check to see if globally defined actions have been registered/removed if lux.config.update_actions["flag"] == True: self._recs_fresh = False show_prev = False # flag indicating whether rec_df is showing previous df or current self if self._prev is not None: rec_df = self._prev rec_df._message = Message() rec_df.maintain_metadata() # the prev dataframe may not have been printed before last_event = self.history._events[-1].name rec_df._message.add( f"Lux is visualizing the previous version of the dataframe before you applied <code>{last_event}</code>." ) show_prev = True else: rec_df = self rec_df._message = Message() # Add warning message if there exist ID fields id_fields_str = "" inverted_data_type = lux.config.executor.invert_data_type(rec_df.data_type) if len(inverted_data_type["id"]) > 0: for id_field in inverted_data_type["id"]: id_fields_str += f"<code>{id_field}</code>, " id_fields_str = id_fields_str[:-2] rec_df._message.add(f"{id_fields_str} is not visualized since it resembles an ID field.") rec_df._prev = None # reset _prev # Check that recs has not yet been computed if not hasattr(rec_df, "_recs_fresh") or not rec_df._recs_fresh: rec_infolist = [] from lux.action.row_group import row_group from lux.action.column_group import column_group # TODO: Rewrite these as register action inside default actions if rec_df.pre_aggregated: if is not None: rec_df._append_rec(rec_infolist, row_group(rec_df)) rec_df._append_rec(rec_infolist, column_group(rec_df)) else: # if rec_df._recommendation == {}: from lux.action.custom import custom_actions # generate vis from globally registered actions and append to dataframe custom_action_collection = custom_actions(rec_df) for rec in custom_action_collection: rec_df._append_rec(rec_infolist, rec) lux.config.update_actions["flag"] = False # Store _rec_info into a more user-friendly dictionary form rec_df._recommendation = {} for rec_info in rec_infolist: action_type = rec_info["action"] vlist = rec_info["collection"] if len(vlist) > 0: rec_df._recommendation[action_type] = vlist rec_df._rec_info = rec_infolist self._widget = rec_df.render_widget() # re-render widget for the current dataframe if previous rec is not recomputed elif show_prev: self._widget = rec_df.render_widget() self._recs_fresh = True ####################################################### ############## LuxWidget Result Display ############### ####################################################### @property def widget(self): if self._widget: return self._widget @property def exported(self) -> Union[Dict[str, VisList], VisList]: """ Get selected visualizations as exported Vis List Notes ----- Convert the _selectedVisIdxs dictionary into a programmable VisList Example _selectedVisIdxs : {'Correlation': [0, 2], 'Occurrence': [1]} indicating the 0th and 2nd vis from the `Correlation` tab is selected, and the 1st vis from the `Occurrence` tab is selected. Returns ------- Union[Dict[str,VisList], VisList] When there are no exported vis, return empty list -> [] When all the exported vis is from the same tab, return a VisList of selected visualizations. -> VisList(v1, v2...) When the exported vis is from the different tabs, return a dictionary with the action name as key and selected visualizations in the VisList. -> {"Enhance": VisList(v1, v2...), "Filter": VisList(v5, v7...), ..} """ if self.widget is None: warnings.warn( "\nNo widget attached to the dataframe." "Please assign dataframe to an output variable.\n" "See more:", stacklevel=2, ) return [] exported_vis_lst = self._widget._selectedVisIdxs exported_vis = [] if exported_vis_lst == {}: if self._saved_export: return self._saved_export warnings.warn( "\nNo visualization selected to export.\n" "See more:", stacklevel=2, ) return [] if len(exported_vis_lst) == 1 and "currentVis" in exported_vis_lst: return self.current_vis elif len(exported_vis_lst) > 1: exported_vis = {} if "currentVis" in exported_vis_lst: exported_vis["Current Vis"] = self.current_vis for export_action in exported_vis_lst: if export_action != "currentVis": exported_vis[export_action] = VisList( list( map( self._recommendation[export_action].__getitem__, exported_vis_lst[export_action], ) ) ) return exported_vis elif len(exported_vis_lst) == 1 and ("currentVis" not in exported_vis_lst): export_action = list(exported_vis_lst.keys())[0] exported_vis = VisList( list( map( self._recommendation[export_action].__getitem__, exported_vis_lst[export_action], ) ) ) self._saved_export = exported_vis return exported_vis else: warnings.warn( "\nNo visualization selected to export.\n" "See more:", stacklevel=2, ) return [] def remove_deleted_recs(self, change): for action in self._widget.deletedIndices: deletedSoFar = 0 for index in self._widget.deletedIndices[action]: self._recommendation[action].remove_index(index - deletedSoFar) deletedSoFar += 1 def set_intent_on_click(self, change): from IPython.display import display, clear_output from lux.processor.Compiler import Compiler intent_action = list(self._widget.selectedIntentIndex.keys())[0] vis = self._recommendation[intent_action][self._widget.selectedIntentIndex[intent_action][0]] self.set_intent_as_vis(vis) self.maintain_metadata() self.current_vis = Compiler.compile_intent(self, self._intent) self.maintain_recs() with self.output: clear_output() display(self._widget) self._widget.observe(self.remove_deleted_recs, names="deletedIndices") self._widget.observe(self.set_intent_on_click, names="selectedIntentIndex") def _repr_html_(self): from IPython.display import display from IPython.display import clear_output import ipywidgets as widgets try: if self._pandas_only: display(self.display_pandas()) self._pandas_only = False else: if self.index.nlevels >= 2 or self.columns.nlevels >= 2: warnings.warn( "\nLux does not currently support dataframes " "with hierarchical indexes.\n" "Please convert the dataframe into a flat " "table via `pandas.DataFrame.reset_index`.\n", stacklevel=2, ) display(self.display_pandas()) return if len(self) <= 0: warnings.warn( "\nLux can not operate on an empty dataframe.\nPlease check your input again.\n", stacklevel=2, ) display(self.display_pandas()) return self.maintain_metadata() if self._intent != [] and (not hasattr(self, "_compiled") or not self._compiled): from lux.processor.Compiler import Compiler self.current_vis = Compiler.compile_intent(self, self._intent) if lux.config.default_display == "lux": self._toggle_pandas_display = False else: self._toggle_pandas_display = True # df_to_display.maintain_recs() # compute the recommendations (TODO: This can be rendered in another thread in the background to populate self._widget) self.maintain_recs() # Observers(callback_function, listen_to_this_variable) self._widget.observe(self.remove_deleted_recs, names="deletedIndices") self._widget.observe(self.set_intent_on_click, names="selectedIntentIndex") if len(self._recommendation) > 0: # box = widgets.Box(layout=widgets.Layout(display='inline')) button = widgets.Button( description="Toggle Pandas/Lux", layout=widgets.Layout(width="140px", top="5px"), ) self.output = widgets.Output() # box.children = [button,output] # output.children = [button] # display(box) display(button, self.output) def on_button_clicked(b): with self.output: if b: self._toggle_pandas_display = not self._toggle_pandas_display clear_output() if self._toggle_pandas_display: display(self.display_pandas()) else: # b.layout.display = "none" display(self._widget) # b.layout.display = "inline-block" button.on_click(on_button_clicked) on_button_clicked(None) else: warnings.warn( "\nLux defaults to Pandas when there are no valid actions defined.", stacklevel=2, ) display(self.display_pandas()) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except Exception: warnings.warn( "\nUnexpected error in rendering Lux widget and recommendations. " "Falling back to Pandas display.\n" "Please report the following issue on Github: \n", stacklevel=2, ) warnings.warn(traceback.format_exc()) display(self.display_pandas()) def display_pandas(self): return self.to_pandas()
[docs] def render_widget(self, renderer: str = "altair", input_current_vis=""): """ Generate a LuxWidget based on the LuxDataFrame Structure of widgetJSON: { 'current_vis': {}, 'recommendation': [ { 'action': 'Correlation', 'description': "some description", 'vspec': [ {Vega-Lite spec for vis 1}, {Vega-Lite spec for vis 2}, ... ] }, ... repeat for other actions ] } Parameters ---------- renderer : str, optional Choice of visualization rendering library, by default "altair" input_current_vis : lux.LuxDataFrame, optional User-specified current vis to override default Current Vis, by default """ check_import_lux_widget() import luxwidget widgetJSON = self.to_JSON(self._rec_info, input_current_vis=input_current_vis) return luxwidget.LuxWidget( currentVis=widgetJSON["current_vis"], recommendations=widgetJSON["recommendation"], intent=LuxDataFrame.intent_to_string(self._intent), message=self._message.to_html(), )
@staticmethod def intent_to_JSON(intent): from lux.utils import utils filter_specs = utils.get_filter_specs(intent) attrs_specs = utils.get_attrs_specs(intent) intent = {} intent["attributes"] = [clause.attribute for clause in attrs_specs] intent["filters"] = [clause.attribute for clause in filter_specs] return intent @staticmethod def intent_to_string(intent): if intent: return ", ".join([clause.to_string() for clause in intent]) else: return "" def to_JSON(self, rec_infolist, input_current_vis=""): widget_spec = {} if self.current_vis: lux.config.executor.execute(self.current_vis, self) widget_spec["current_vis"] = LuxDataFrame.current_vis_to_JSON( self.current_vis, input_current_vis ) else: widget_spec["current_vis"] = {} widget_spec["recommendation"] = [] # Recommended Collection recCollection = LuxDataFrame.rec_to_JSON(rec_infolist) widget_spec["recommendation"].extend(recCollection) return widget_spec @staticmethod def current_vis_to_JSON(vlist, input_current_vis=""): current_vis_spec = {} numVC = len(vlist) # number of visualizations in the vis list if numVC == 1: current_vis_spec = vlist[0].to_code(prettyOutput=False) elif numVC > 1: pass return current_vis_spec @staticmethod def rec_to_JSON(recs): rec_lst = [] import copy rec_copy = copy.deepcopy(recs) for idx, rec in enumerate(rec_copy): if len(rec["collection"]) > 0: rec["vspec"] = [] for vis in rec["collection"]: chart = vis.to_code(prettyOutput=False) rec["vspec"].append(chart) rec_lst.append(rec) # delete since not JSON serializable del rec_lst[idx]["collection"] return rec_lst
[docs] def save_as_html(self, filename: str = "export.html") -> None: """ Save dataframe widget as static HTML file Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename for the output HTML file """ if self.widget is None: self.maintain_metadata() self.maintain_recs() from ipywidgets.embed import embed_data data = embed_data(views=[self.widget]) import json manager_state = json.dumps(data["manager_state"]) widget_view = json.dumps(data["view_specs"][0]) # Separate out header since CSS file conflict with {} notation in Python format strings header = """ <head> <title>Lux Widget</title> <link rel="lux" type="image/png" sizes="96x96" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-TX8t27EcRE3e/ihU7zmQxVncDAy5uIKz4rEkgIXeMed4M0jlfIDPvg6uqKI2xXr2" crossorigin="anonymous"> <!-- Load RequireJS, used by the IPywidgets for dependency management --> <script src="" integrity="sha256-Ae2Vz/4ePdIu6ZyI/5ZGsYnb+m0JlOmKPjt6XZ9JJkA=" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script> <!-- Load IPywidgets bundle for embedding. --> <script src="^0.18.0/dist/embed-amd.js" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script> <style type="text/css"> #intentBtn, #warnBtn, #exportBtn{ display: none; } #deleteBtn { right: 10px !important; } #footer-description{ margin: 10px; text-align: right; } </style> </head> """ html_template = """ <html> {header} <body> <script type="application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json"> {manager_state} </script> <script type="application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json"> {widget_view} </script> <div id="footer-description"> These visualizations were generated by <a href=""><img src="" width="65px" style="vertical-align: middle;"></img></a> </div> </body> </html> """ manager_state = json.dumps(data["manager_state"]) widget_view = json.dumps(data["view_specs"][0]) rendered_template = html_template.format( header=header, manager_state=manager_state, widget_view=widget_view ) with open(filename, "w") as fp: fp.write(rendered_template) print(f"Saved HTML to {filename}")
# Overridden Pandas Functions
[docs] def head(self, n: int = 5): self._prev = self self._history.append_event("head", n=5) return super(LuxDataFrame, self).head(n)
[docs] def tail(self, n: int = 5): self._prev = self self._history.append_event("tail", n=5) return super(LuxDataFrame, self).tail(n)
[docs] def info(self, *args, **kwargs): self._pandas_only = True self._history.append_event("info", *args, **kwargs) return super(LuxDataFrame, self).info(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def describe(self, *args, **kwargs): self._pandas_only = True self._history.append_event("describe", *args, **kwargs) return super(LuxDataFrame, self).describe(*args, **kwargs)