Source code for lux.executor.SQLExecutor

#  Copyright 2019-2020 The Lux Authors.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import pandas
from lux.vis.VisList import VisList
from lux.vis.Vis import Vis
from lux.core.frame import LuxDataFrame
from lux.executor.Executor import Executor
from lux.utils import utils
import math

[docs]class SQLExecutor(Executor): """ Given a Vis objects with complete specifications, fetch and process data using SQL operations. """
[docs] def __init__(self): = "Executor" self.selection = [] self.tables = [] self.filters = ""
def __repr__(self): return f"<Executor>"
[docs] @staticmethod def execute(vislist: VisList, ldf: LuxDataFrame): import pandas as pd """ Given a VisList, fetch the data required to render the vis 1) Apply filters 2) Retreive relevant attribute 3) return a DataFrame with relevant results """ for vis in vislist: # Select relevant data based on attribute information attributes = set([]) for clause in vis._inferred_intent: if clause.attribute: if clause.attribute == "Record": attributes.add(clause.attribute) # else: attributes.add(clause.attribute) if vis.mark not in ["bar", "line", "histogram"]: where_clause, filterVars = SQLExecutor.execute_filter(vis) required_variables = attributes | set(filterVars) required_variables = ",".join(required_variables) row_count = list( pd.read_sql( f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {ldf.table_name} {where_clause}", ldf.SQLconnection, )["count"] )[0] if row_count > 10000: query = f"SELECT {required_variables} FROM {ldf.table_name} {where_clause} ORDER BY random() LIMIT 10000" else: query = f"SELECT {required_variables} FROM {ldf.table_name} {where_clause}" data = pd.read_sql(query, ldf.SQLconnection) vis._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(data) if vis.mark == "bar" or vis.mark == "line": SQLExecutor.execute_aggregate(vis, ldf) elif vis.mark == "histogram": SQLExecutor.execute_binning(vis, ldf)
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_aggregate(vis: Vis, ldf: LuxDataFrame): import pandas as pd x_attr = vis.get_attr_by_channel("x")[0] y_attr = vis.get_attr_by_channel("y")[0] groupby_attr = "" measure_attr = "" if y_attr.aggregation != "": groupby_attr = x_attr measure_attr = y_attr agg_func = y_attr.aggregation if x_attr.aggregation != "": groupby_attr = y_attr measure_attr = x_attr agg_func = x_attr.aggregation if measure_attr != "": # barchart case, need count data for each group if measure_attr.attribute == "Record": where_clause, filterVars = SQLExecutor.execute_filter(vis) count_query = f"SELECT {groupby_attr.attribute}, COUNT({groupby_attr.attribute}) FROM {ldf.table_name} {where_clause} GROUP BY {groupby_attr.attribute}" vis._vis_data = pd.read_sql(count_query, ldf.SQLconnection) vis._vis_data ={"count": "Record"}) vis._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux( else: where_clause, filterVars = SQLExecutor.execute_filter(vis) if agg_func == "mean": mean_query = f"SELECT {groupby_attr.attribute}, AVG({measure_attr.attribute}) as {measure_attr.attribute} FROM {ldf.table_name} {where_clause} GROUP BY {groupby_attr.attribute}" vis._vis_data = pd.read_sql(mean_query, ldf.SQLconnection) vis._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux( if agg_func == "sum": mean_query = f"SELECT {groupby_attr.attribute}, SUM({measure_attr.attribute}) as {measure_attr.attribute} FROM {ldf.table_name} {where_clause} GROUP BY {groupby_attr.attribute}" vis._vis_data = pd.read_sql(mean_query, ldf.SQLconnection) vis._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux( if agg_func == "max": mean_query = f"SELECT {groupby_attr.attribute}, MAX({measure_attr.attribute}) as {measure_attr.attribute} FROM {ldf.table_name} {where_clause} GROUP BY {groupby_attr.attribute}" vis._vis_data = pd.read_sql(mean_query, ldf.SQLconnection) vis._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux( # pad empty categories with 0 counts after filter is applied all_attr_vals = ldf.unique_values[groupby_attr.attribute] result_vals = list([groupby_attr.attribute]) if len(result_vals) != len(all_attr_vals): # For filtered aggregation that have missing groupby-attribute values, set these aggregated value as 0, since no datapoints for vals in all_attr_vals: if vals not in result_vals:[len(] = [vals] + [0] * (len( - 1)
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_binning(vis: Vis, ldf: LuxDataFrame): import numpy as np import pandas as pd bin_attribute = list(filter(lambda x: x.bin_size != 0, vis._inferred_intent))[0] if not math.isnan([bin_attribute.attribute][0]) and math.isnan([bin_attribute.attribute][1] ): num_bins = bin_attribute.bin_size attr_min = min(ldf.unique_values[bin_attribute.attribute]) attr_max = max(ldf.unique_values[bin_attribute.attribute]) attr_type = type(ldf.unique_values[bin_attribute.attribute][0]) # need to calculate the bin edges before querying for the relevant data bin_width = (attr_max - attr_min) / num_bins upper_edges = [] for e in range(1, num_bins): curr_edge = attr_min + e * bin_width if attr_type == int: upper_edges.append(str(math.ceil(curr_edge))) else: upper_edges.append(str(curr_edge)) upper_edges = ",".join(upper_edges) vis_filter, filter_vars = SQLExecutor.execute_filter(vis) bin_count_query = f"SELECT width_bucket, COUNT(width_bucket) FROM (SELECT width_bucket({bin_attribute.attribute}, '{{{upper_edges}}}') FROM {ldf.table_name}) as Buckets GROUP BY width_bucket ORDER BY width_bucket" bin_count_data = pd.read_sql(bin_count_query, ldf.SQLconnection) # counts,binEdges = np.histogram(ldf[bin_attribute.attribute],bins=bin_attribute.bin_size) # binEdges of size N+1, so need to compute binCenter as the bin location upper_edges = [float(i) for i in upper_edges.split(",")] if attr_type == int: bin_centers = np.array([math.ceil((attr_min + attr_min + bin_width) / 2)]) else: bin_centers = np.array([(attr_min + attr_min + bin_width) / 2]) bin_centers = np.append( bin_centers, np.mean(np.vstack([upper_edges[0:-1], upper_edges[1:]]), axis=0), ) if attr_type == int: bin_centers = np.append( bin_centers, math.ceil((upper_edges[len(upper_edges) - 1] + attr_max) / 2), ) else: bin_centers = np.append(bin_centers, (upper_edges[len(upper_edges) - 1] + attr_max) / 2) if len(bin_centers) > len(bin_count_data): bucket_lables = bin_count_data["width_bucket"].unique() for i in range(0, len(bin_centers)): if i not in bucket_lables: bin_count_data = bin_count_data.append( pd.DataFrame([[i, 0]], columns=bin_count_data.columns) ) vis._vis_data = pd.DataFrame( np.array([bin_centers, list(bin_count_data["count"])]).T, columns=[bin_attribute.attribute, "Number of Records"], ) vis._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(
[docs] @staticmethod # takes in a vis and returns an appropriate SQL WHERE clause that based on the filters specified in the vis's _inferred_intent def execute_filter(vis: Vis): where_clause = [] filters = utils.get_filter_specs(vis._inferred_intent) filter_vars = [] if filters: for f in range(0, len(filters)): if f == 0: where_clause.append("WHERE") else: where_clause.append("AND") where_clause.extend( [ str(filters[f].attribute), str(filters[f].filter_op), "'" + str(filters[f].value) + "'", ] ) if filters[f].attribute not in filter_vars: filter_vars.append(filters[f].attribute) if where_clause == []: return ("", []) else: where_clause = " ".join(where_clause) return (where_clause, filter_vars)