Source code for lux.executor.SQLExecutor

import pandas
from lux.vis.VisList import VisList
from lux.vis.Vis import Vis
from lux.core.sqltable import LuxSQLTable
from lux.executor.Executor import Executor
from lux.utils import utils
from lux.utils.utils import check_import_lux_widget, check_if_id_like
import lux

import math

[docs]class SQLExecutor(Executor): """ Given a Vis objects with complete specifications, fetch and process data using SQL operations. """
[docs] def __init__(self): = "SQLExecutor" self.selection = [] self.tables = [] self.filters = ""
def __repr__(self): return f"<SQLExecutor>"
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_preview(tbl: LuxSQLTable, preview_size=5): output = pandas.read_sql( "SELECT * from {} LIMIT {}".format(tbl.table_name, preview_size), lux.config.SQLconnection ) return output
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_sampling(tbl: LuxSQLTable): SAMPLE_FLAG = lux.config.sampling SAMPLE_START = lux.config.sampling_start SAMPLE_CAP = lux.config.sampling_cap SAMPLE_FRAC = 0.2 length_query = pandas.read_sql( "SELECT COUNT(*) as length FROM {}".format(tbl.table_name), lux.config.SQLconnection, ) limit = int(list(length_query["length"])[0]) * SAMPLE_FRAC tbl._sampled = pandas.read_sql( "SELECT * from {} LIMIT {}".format(tbl.table_name, str(limit)), lux.config.SQLconnection )
[docs] @staticmethod def execute(view_collection: VisList, tbl: LuxSQLTable, approx: bool = False): """ Given a VisList, fetch the data required to render the view 1) Generate Necessary WHERE clauses 2) Query necessary data, applying appropriate aggregation for the chart type 3) populates vis' data with a DataFrame with relevant results """ for view in view_collection: # choose execution method depending on vis mark type # when mark is empty, deal with lazy execution by filling the data with a small sample of the dataframe if view.mark == "": SQLExecutor.execute_sampling(tbl) view._vis_data = tbl._sampled if view.mark == "scatter": where_clause, filterVars = SQLExecutor.execute_filter(view) length_query = pandas.read_sql( "SELECT COUNT(1) as length FROM {} {}".format(tbl.table_name, where_clause), lux.config.SQLconnection, ) view_data_length = list(length_query["length"])[0] if len(view.get_attr_by_channel("color")) == 1 or view_data_length < 5000: # NOTE: might want to have a check somewhere to not use categorical variables with greater than some number of categories as a Color variable---------------- has_color = True SQLExecutor.execute_scatter(view, tbl) else: view._mark = "heatmap" SQLExecutor.execute_2D_binning(view, tbl) elif view.mark == "bar" or view.mark == "line": SQLExecutor.execute_aggregate(view, tbl) elif view.mark == "histogram": SQLExecutor.execute_binning(view, tbl)
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_scatter(view: Vis, tbl: LuxSQLTable): """ Given a scatterplot vis and a Lux Dataframe, fetch the data required to render the vis. 1) Generate WHERE clause for the SQL query 2) Check number of datapoints to be included in the query 3) If the number of datapoints exceeds 10000, perform a random sample from the original data 4) Query datapoints needed for the scatterplot visualization 5) return a DataFrame with relevant results Parameters ---------- vislist: list[lux.Vis] vis list that contains lux.Vis objects for visualization. tbl : lux.core.frame LuxSQLTable with specified intent. Returns ------- None """ attributes = set([]) for clause in view._inferred_intent: if clause.attribute: if clause.attribute != "Record": attributes.add(clause.attribute) where_clause, filterVars = SQLExecutor.execute_filter(view) length_query = pandas.read_sql( "SELECT COUNT(1) as length FROM {} {}".format(tbl.table_name, where_clause), lux.config.SQLconnection, ) def add_quotes(var_name): return '"' + var_name + '"' required_variables = attributes | set(filterVars) required_variables = map(add_quotes, required_variables) required_variables = ",".join(required_variables) row_count = list( pandas.read_sql( f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {tbl.table_name} {where_clause}", lux.config.SQLconnection, )["count"] )[0] if row_count > lux.config.sampling_cap: query = f"SELECT {required_variables} FROM {tbl.table_name} {where_clause} ORDER BY random() LIMIT 10000" else: query = "SELECT {} FROM {} {}".format(required_variables, tbl.table_name, where_clause) data = pandas.read_sql(query, lux.config.SQLconnection) view._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_aggregate(view: Vis, tbl: LuxSQLTable, isFiltered=True): """ Aggregate data points on an axis for bar or line charts Parameters ---------- vis: lux.Vis lux.Vis object that represents a visualization tbl : lux.core.frame LuxSQLTable with specified intent. isFiltered: boolean boolean that represents whether a vis has had a filter applied to its data Returns ------- None """ x_attr = view.get_attr_by_channel("x")[0] y_attr = view.get_attr_by_channel("y")[0] has_color = False groupby_attr = "" measure_attr = "" if x_attr.aggregation is None or y_attr.aggregation is None: return if y_attr.aggregation != "": groupby_attr = x_attr measure_attr = y_attr agg_func = y_attr.aggregation if x_attr.aggregation != "": groupby_attr = y_attr measure_attr = x_attr agg_func = x_attr.aggregation if groupby_attr.attribute in tbl.unique_values.keys(): attr_unique_vals = tbl.unique_values[groupby_attr.attribute] # checks if color is specified in the Vis if len(view.get_attr_by_channel("color")) == 1: color_attr = view.get_attr_by_channel("color")[0] color_attr_vals = tbl.unique_values[color_attr.attribute] color_cardinality = len(color_attr_vals) # NOTE: might want to have a check somewhere to not use categorical variables with greater than some number of categories as a Color variable---------------- has_color = True else: color_cardinality = 1 if measure_attr != "": # barchart case, need count data for each group if measure_attr.attribute == "Record": where_clause, filterVars = SQLExecutor.execute_filter(view) length_query = pandas.read_sql( "SELECT COUNT(*) as length FROM {} {}".format(tbl.table_name, where_clause), lux.config.SQLconnection, ) # generates query for colored barchart case if has_color: count_query = 'SELECT "{}", "{}", COUNT("{}") FROM {} {} GROUP BY "{}", "{}"'.format( groupby_attr.attribute, color_attr.attribute, groupby_attr.attribute, tbl.table_name, where_clause, groupby_attr.attribute, color_attr.attribute, ) view._vis_data = pandas.read_sql(count_query, lux.config.SQLconnection) view._vis_data = view._vis_data.rename(columns={"count": "Record"}) view._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(view._vis_data) # generates query for normal barchart case else: count_query = 'SELECT "{}", COUNT("{}") FROM {} {} GROUP BY "{}"'.format( groupby_attr.attribute, groupby_attr.attribute, tbl.table_name, where_clause, groupby_attr.attribute, ) view._vis_data = pandas.read_sql(count_query, lux.config.SQLconnection) view._vis_data = view._vis_data.rename(columns={"count": "Record"}) view._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(view._vis_data) # view._vis_data.length = list(length_query["length"])[0] # aggregate barchart case, need aggregate data (mean, sum, max) for each group else: where_clause, filterVars = SQLExecutor.execute_filter(view) length_query = pandas.read_sql( "SELECT COUNT(*) as length FROM {} {}".format(tbl.table_name, where_clause), lux.config.SQLconnection, ) # generates query for colored barchart case if has_color: if agg_func == "mean": agg_query = ( 'SELECT "{}", "{}", AVG("{}") as "{}" FROM {} {} GROUP BY "{}", "{}"'.format( groupby_attr.attribute, color_attr.attribute, measure_attr.attribute, measure_attr.attribute, tbl.table_name, where_clause, groupby_attr.attribute, color_attr.attribute, ) ) view._vis_data = pandas.read_sql(agg_query, lux.config.SQLconnection) view._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(view._vis_data) if agg_func == "sum": agg_query = ( 'SELECT "{}", "{}", SUM("{}") as "{}" FROM {} {} GROUP BY "{}", "{}"'.format( groupby_attr.attribute, color_attr.attribute, measure_attr.attribute, measure_attr.attribute, tbl.table_name, where_clause, groupby_attr.attribute, color_attr.attribute, ) ) view._vis_data = pandas.read_sql(agg_query, lux.config.SQLconnection) view._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(view._vis_data) if agg_func == "max": agg_query = ( 'SELECT "{}", "{}", MAX("{}") as "{}" FROM {} {} GROUP BY "{}", "{}"'.format( groupby_attr.attribute, color_attr.attribute, measure_attr.attribute, measure_attr.attribute, tbl.table_name, where_clause, groupby_attr.attribute, color_attr.attribute, ) ) view._vis_data = pandas.read_sql(agg_query, lux.config.SQLconnection) view._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(view._vis_data) # generates query for normal barchart case else: if agg_func == "mean": agg_query = 'SELECT "{}", AVG("{}") as "{}" FROM {} {} GROUP BY "{}"'.format( groupby_attr.attribute, measure_attr.attribute, measure_attr.attribute, tbl.table_name, where_clause, groupby_attr.attribute, ) view._vis_data = pandas.read_sql(agg_query, lux.config.SQLconnection) view._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(view._vis_data) if agg_func == "sum": agg_query = 'SELECT "{}", SUM("{}") as "{}" FROM {} {} GROUP BY "{}"'.format( groupby_attr.attribute, measure_attr.attribute, measure_attr.attribute, tbl.table_name, where_clause, groupby_attr.attribute, ) view._vis_data = pandas.read_sql(agg_query, lux.config.SQLconnection) view._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(view._vis_data) if agg_func == "max": agg_query = 'SELECT "{}", MAX("{}") as "{}" FROM {} {} GROUP BY "{}"'.format( groupby_attr.attribute, measure_attr.attribute, measure_attr.attribute, tbl.table_name, where_clause, groupby_attr.attribute, ) view._vis_data = pandas.read_sql(agg_query, lux.config.SQLconnection) view._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(view._vis_data) result_vals = list(view._vis_data[groupby_attr.attribute]) # create existing group by attribute combinations if color is specified # this is needed to check what combinations of group_by_attr and color_attr values have a non-zero number of elements in them if has_color: res_color_combi_vals = [] result_color_vals = list(view._vis_data[color_attr.attribute]) for i in range(0, len(result_vals)): res_color_combi_vals.append([result_vals[i], result_color_vals[i]]) # For filtered aggregation that have missing groupby-attribute values, set these aggregated value as 0, since no datapoints if isFiltered or has_color and attr_unique_vals: N_unique_vals = len(attr_unique_vals) if len(result_vals) != N_unique_vals * color_cardinality: columns = view._vis_data.columns if has_color: df = pandas.DataFrame( { columns[0]: attr_unique_vals * color_cardinality, columns[1]: pandas.Series(color_attr_vals).repeat(N_unique_vals), } ) view._vis_data = view._vis_data.merge( df, on=[columns[0], columns[1]], how="right", suffixes=["", "_right"], ) for col in columns[2:]: view._vis_data[col] = view._vis_data[col].fillna(0) # Triggers __setitem__ assert len(list(view._vis_data[groupby_attr.attribute])) == N_unique_vals * len( color_attr_vals ), f"Aggregated data missing values compared to original range of values of `{groupby_attr.attribute, color_attr.attribute}`." view._vis_data = view._vis_data.iloc[ :, :3 ] # Keep only the three relevant columns not the *_right columns resulting from merge else: df = pandas.DataFrame({columns[0]: attr_unique_vals}) view._vis_data = view._vis_data.merge( df, on=columns[0], how="right", suffixes=["", "_right"] ) for col in columns[1:]: view._vis_data[col] = view._vis_data[col].fillna(0) assert ( len(list(view._vis_data[groupby_attr.attribute])) == N_unique_vals ), f"Aggregated data missing values compared to original range of values of `{groupby_attr.attribute}`." view._vis_data = view._vis_data.sort_values(by=groupby_attr.attribute, ascending=True) view._vis_data = view._vis_data.reset_index() view._vis_data = view._vis_data.drop(columns="index")
# view._vis_data.length = list(length_query["length"])[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_binning(view: Vis, tbl: LuxSQLTable): """ Binning of data points for generating histograms Parameters ---------- vis: lux.Vis lux.Vis object that represents a visualization tbl : lux.core.frame LuxSQLTable with specified intent. Returns ------- None """ import numpy as np bin_attribute = list(filter(lambda x: x.bin_size != 0, view._inferred_intent))[0] num_bins = bin_attribute.bin_size attr_min = tbl._min_max[bin_attribute.attribute][0] attr_max = tbl._min_max[bin_attribute.attribute][1] attr_type = type(tbl.unique_values[bin_attribute.attribute][0]) # get filters if available where_clause, filterVars = SQLExecutor.execute_filter(view) length_query = pandas.read_sql( "SELECT COUNT(1) as length FROM {} {}".format(tbl.table_name, where_clause), lux.config.SQLconnection, ) # need to calculate the bin edges before querying for the relevant data bin_width = (attr_max - attr_min) / num_bins upper_edges = [] for e in range(1, num_bins): curr_edge = attr_min + e * bin_width if attr_type == int: upper_edges.append(str(math.ceil(curr_edge))) else: upper_edges.append(str(curr_edge)) upper_edges = ",".join(upper_edges) view_filter, filter_vars = SQLExecutor.execute_filter(view) bin_count_query = "SELECT width_bucket, COUNT(width_bucket) FROM (SELECT width_bucket(CAST (\"{}\" AS FLOAT), '{}') FROM {} {}) as Buckets GROUP BY width_bucket ORDER BY width_bucket".format( bin_attribute.attribute, "{" + upper_edges + "}", tbl.table_name, where_clause, ) bin_count_data = pandas.read_sql(bin_count_query, lux.config.SQLconnection) if not bin_count_data["width_bucket"].isnull().values.any(): # np.histogram breaks if data contain NaN # counts,binEdges = np.histogram(tbl[bin_attribute.attribute],bins=bin_attribute.bin_size) # binEdges of size N+1, so need to compute binCenter as the bin location upper_edges = [float(i) for i in upper_edges.split(",")] if attr_type == int: bin_centers = np.array([math.ceil((attr_min + attr_min + bin_width) / 2)]) else: bin_centers = np.array([(attr_min + attr_min + bin_width) / 2]) bin_centers = np.append( bin_centers, np.mean(np.vstack([upper_edges[0:-1], upper_edges[1:]]), axis=0), ) if attr_type == int: bin_centers = np.append( bin_centers, math.ceil((upper_edges[len(upper_edges) - 1] + attr_max) / 2), ) else: bin_centers = np.append(bin_centers, (upper_edges[len(upper_edges) - 1] + attr_max) / 2) if len(bin_centers) > len(bin_count_data): bucket_lables = bin_count_data["width_bucket"].unique() for i in range(0, len(bin_centers)): if i not in bucket_lables: bin_count_data = bin_count_data.append( pandas.DataFrame([[i, 0]], columns=bin_count_data.columns) ) view._vis_data = pandas.DataFrame( np.array([bin_centers, list(bin_count_data["count"])]).T, columns=[bin_attribute.attribute, "Number of Records"], ) view._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(
# view._vis_data.length = list(length_query["length"])[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_2D_binning(view: Vis, tbl: LuxSQLTable): import numpy as np x_attribute = list(filter(lambda x: == "x", view._inferred_intent))[0] y_attribute = list(filter(lambda x: == "y", view._inferred_intent))[0] num_bins = lux.config.heatmap_bin_size x_attr_min = tbl._min_max[x_attribute.attribute][0] x_attr_max = tbl._min_max[x_attribute.attribute][1] x_attr_type = type(tbl.unique_values[x_attribute.attribute][0]) y_attr_min = tbl._min_max[y_attribute.attribute][0] y_attr_max = tbl._min_max[y_attribute.attribute][1] y_attr_type = type(tbl.unique_values[y_attribute.attribute][0]) # get filters if available where_clause, filterVars = SQLExecutor.execute_filter(view) # need to calculate the bin edges before querying for the relevant data x_bin_width = (x_attr_max - x_attr_min) / num_bins y_bin_width = (y_attr_max - y_attr_min) / num_bins x_upper_edges = [] y_upper_edges = [] for e in range(0, num_bins): x_curr_edge = x_attr_min + e * x_bin_width y_curr_edge = y_attr_min + e * y_bin_width # get upper edges for x attribute bins if x_attr_type == int: x_upper_edges.append(math.ceil(x_curr_edge)) else: x_upper_edges.append(x_curr_edge) # get upper edges for y attribute bins if y_attr_type == int: y_upper_edges.append(str(math.ceil(y_curr_edge))) else: y_upper_edges.append(str(y_curr_edge)) x_upper_edges_string = [str(int) for int in x_upper_edges] x_upper_edges_string = ",".join(x_upper_edges_string) y_upper_edges_string = ",".join(y_upper_edges) bin_count_query = "SELECT width_bucket1, width_bucket2, count(*) FROM (SELECT width_bucket(CAST (\"{}\" AS FLOAT), '{}') as width_bucket1, width_bucket(CAST (\"{}\" AS FLOAT), '{}') as width_bucket2 FROM {} {}) as foo GROUP BY width_bucket1, width_bucket2".format( x_attribute.attribute, "{" + x_upper_edges_string + "}", y_attribute.attribute, "{" + y_upper_edges_string + "}", tbl.table_name, where_clause, ) # data = pandas.read_sql(bin_count_query, lux.config.SQLconnection) data = pandas.read_sql(bin_count_query, lux.config.SQLconnection) # data = data[data["width_bucket1"] != num_bins - 1] # data = data[data["width_bucket2"] != num_bins - 1] if len(data) > 0: data["xBinStart"] = data.apply( lambda row: float(x_upper_edges[int(row["width_bucket1"]) - 1]) - x_bin_width, axis=1 ) data["xBinEnd"] = data.apply( lambda row: float(x_upper_edges[int(row["width_bucket1"]) - 1]), axis=1 ) data["yBinStart"] = data.apply( lambda row: float(y_upper_edges[int(row["width_bucket2"]) - 1]) - y_bin_width, axis=1 ) data["yBinEnd"] = data.apply( lambda row: float(y_upper_edges[int(row["width_bucket2"]) - 1]), axis=1 ) view._vis_data = utils.pandas_to_lux(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_filter(view: Vis): """ Helper function to convert a Vis' filter specification to a SQL where clause. Takes in a Vis object and returns an appropriate SQL WHERE clause based on the filters specified in the vis' _inferred_intent. Parameters ---------- vis: lux.Vis lux.Vis object that represents a visualization Returns ------- where_clause: string String representation of a SQL WHERE clause filter_vars: list of strings list of variables that have been used as filters """ filters = utils.get_filter_specs(view._inferred_intent) return SQLExecutor.create_where_clause(filters, view=view)
[docs] def create_where_clause(filter_specs, view=""): where_clause = [] filter_vars = [] filters = filter_specs if filters: for f in range(0, len(filters)): if f == 0: where_clause.append("WHERE") else: where_clause.append("AND") curr_value = str(filters[f].value) curr_value = curr_value.replace("'", "''") where_clause.extend( [ '"' + str(filters[f].attribute) + '"', str(filters[f].filter_op), "'" + curr_value + "'", ] ) if filters[f].attribute not in filter_vars: filter_vars.append(filters[f].attribute) if view != "": attributes = utils.get_attrs_specs(view._inferred_intent) # need to ensure that no null values are included in the data # null values breaks binning queries for a in attributes: if a.attribute != "Record": if where_clause == []: where_clause.append("WHERE") else: where_clause.append("AND") where_clause.extend( [ '"' + str(a.attribute) + '"', "IS NOT NULL", ] ) if where_clause == []: return ("", []) else: where_clause = " ".join(where_clause) return (where_clause, filter_vars)
[docs] def get_filtered_size(filter_specs, tbl): clause_info = SQLExecutor.create_where_clause(filter_specs=filter_specs, view="") where_clause = clause_info[0] filter_intents = filter_specs[0] filtered_length = pandas.read_sql( "SELECT COUNT(1) as length FROM {} {}".format(tbl.table_name, where_clause), lux.config.SQLconnection, ) return list(filtered_length["length"])[0]
####################################################### ########## Metadata, type, model schema ############### #######################################################
[docs] def compute_dataset_metadata(self, tbl: LuxSQLTable): """ Function which computes the metadata required for the Lux recommendation system. Populates the metadata parameters of the specified Lux DataFrame. Parameters ---------- tbl: lux.LuxSQLTable lux.LuxSQLTable object whose metadata will be calculated Returns ------- None """ if not tbl._setup_done: self.get_SQL_attributes(tbl) tbl._data_type = {} #####NOTE: since we aren't expecting users to do much data processing with the SQL database, should we just keep this ##### in the initialization and do it just once self.compute_data_type(tbl) self.compute_stats(tbl)
[docs] def get_SQL_attributes(self, tbl: LuxSQLTable): """ Retrieves the names of variables within a specified Lux DataFrame's Postgres SQL table. Uses these variables to populate the Lux DataFrame's columns list. Parameters ---------- tbl: lux.LuxSQLTable lux.LuxSQLTable object whose columns will be populated Returns ------- None """ if "." in tbl.table_name: table_name = tbl.table_name[self.table_name.index(".") + 1 :] else: table_name = tbl.table_name attr_query = "SELECT column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = '{}'".format( table_name ) attributes = list(pandas.read_sql(attr_query, lux.config.SQLconnection)["column_name"]) for attr in attributes: tbl[attr] = None tbl._setup_done = True
[docs] def compute_stats(self, tbl: LuxSQLTable): """ Function which computes the min and max values for each variable within the specified Lux DataFrame's SQL table. Populates the metadata parameters of the specified Lux DataFrame. Parameters ---------- tbl: lux.LuxSQLTable lux.LuxSQLTable object whose metadata will be calculated Returns ------- None """ # precompute statistics tbl.unique_values = {} tbl._min_max = {} length_query = pandas.read_sql( "SELECT COUNT(1) as length FROM {}".format(tbl.table_name), lux.config.SQLconnection, ) tbl._length = list(length_query["length"])[0] self.get_unique_values(tbl) for attribute in tbl.columns: if tbl._data_type[attribute] == "quantitative": min_max_query = pandas.read_sql( 'SELECT MIN("{}") as min, MAX("{}") as max FROM {}'.format( attribute, attribute, tbl.table_name ), lux.config.SQLconnection, ) tbl._min_max[attribute] = ( list(min_max_query["min"])[0], list(min_max_query["max"])[0], )
[docs] def get_cardinality(self, tbl: LuxSQLTable): """ Function which computes the cardinality for each variable within the specified Lux DataFrame's SQL table. Populates the metadata parameters of the specified Lux DataFrame. Parameters ---------- tbl: lux.LuxSQLTable lux.LuxSQLTable object whose metadata will be calculated Returns ------- None """ cardinality = {} for attr in list(tbl.columns): card_query = 'SELECT Count(Distinct("{}")) FROM {} WHERE "{}" IS NOT NULL'.format( attr, tbl.table_name, attr ) card_data = pandas.read_sql( card_query, lux.config.SQLconnection, ) cardinality[attr] = list(card_data["count"])[0] tbl.cardinality = cardinality
[docs] def get_unique_values(self, tbl: LuxSQLTable): """ Function which collects the unique values for each variable within the specified Lux DataFrame's SQL table. Populates the metadata parameters of the specified Lux DataFrame. Parameters ---------- tbl: lux.LuxSQLTable lux.LuxSQLTable object whose metadata will be calculated Returns ------- None """ unique_vals = {} for attr in list(tbl.columns): unique_query = 'SELECT Distinct("{}") FROM {} WHERE "{}" IS NOT NULL'.format( attr, tbl.table_name, attr ) unique_data = pandas.read_sql( unique_query, lux.config.SQLconnection, ) unique_vals[attr] = list(unique_data[attr]) tbl.unique_values = unique_vals
[docs] def compute_data_type(self, tbl: LuxSQLTable): """ Function which the equivalent Pandas data type of each variable within the specified Lux DataFrame's SQL table. Populates the metadata parameters of the specified Lux DataFrame. Parameters ---------- tbl: lux.LuxSQLTable lux.LuxSQLTable object whose metadata will be calculated Returns ------- None """ data_type = {} self.get_cardinality(tbl) if "." in tbl.table_name: table_name = tbl.table_name[tbl.table_name.index(".") + 1 :] else: table_name = tbl.table_name # get the data types of the attributes in the SQL table for attr in list(tbl.columns): datatype_query = "SELECT DATA_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '{}' AND COLUMN_NAME = '{}'".format( table_name, attr ) datatype = list(pandas.read_sql(datatype_query, lux.config.SQLconnection)["data_type"])[0] if str(attr).lower() in {"month", "year"} or "time" in datatype or "date" in datatype: data_type[attr] = "temporal" elif datatype in { "character", "character varying", "boolean", "uuid", "text", }: data_type[attr] = "nominal" elif datatype in { "integer", "numeric", "decimal", "bigint", "real", "smallint", "smallserial", "serial", "double precision", }: if tbl.cardinality[attr] < 13: data_type[attr] = "nominal" elif check_if_id_like(tbl, attr): data_type[attr] = "id" else: data_type[attr] = "quantitative" tbl._data_type = data_type