Source code for lux.core.frame

#  Copyright 2019-2020 The Lux Authors.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import pandas as pd
from lux.core.series import LuxSeries
from lux.vis.Clause import Clause
from lux.vis.Vis import Vis
from lux.vis.VisList import VisList
from lux.history.history import History
from lux.utils.date_utils import is_datetime_series
from lux.utils.message import Message
from lux.utils.utils import check_import_lux_widget
from typing import Dict, Union, List, Callable

# from lux.executor.Executor import *
import warnings
import traceback
import lux

[docs]class LuxDataFrame(pd.DataFrame): """ A subclass of pd.DataFrame that supports all dataframe operations while housing other variables and functions for generating visual recommendations. """ # MUST register here for new properties!! _metadata = [ "_intent", "_inferred_intent", "_data_type", "unique_values", "cardinality", "_rec_info", "_min_max", "_current_vis", "_widget", "_recommendation", "_prev", "_history", "_saved_export", "_sampled", "_toggle_pandas_display", "_message", "_pandas_only", "pre_aggregated", "_type_override", ]
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self._history = History() self._intent = [] self._inferred_intent = [] self._recommendation = {} self._saved_export = None self._current_vis = [] self._prev = None self._widget = None super(LuxDataFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.table_name = "" if lux.config.SQLconnection == "": from lux.executor.PandasExecutor import PandasExecutor lux.config.executor = PandasExecutor() else: from lux.executor.SQLExecutor import SQLExecutor lux.config.executor = SQLExecutor() self._sampled = None self._approx_sample = None self._toggle_pandas_display = True self._message = Message() self._pandas_only = False # Metadata self._data_type = {} self.unique_values = None self.cardinality = None self._min_max = None self.pre_aggregated = None self._type_override = {} warnings.formatwarning = lux.warning_format
@property def _constructor(self): return LuxDataFrame @property def _constructor_sliced(self): def f(*args, **kwargs): s = LuxSeries(*args, **kwargs) for attr in self._metadata: # propagate metadata s.__dict__[attr] = getattr(self, attr, None) return s return f @property def history(self): return self._history @property def data_type(self): if not self._data_type: self.maintain_metadata() return self._data_type
[docs] def compute_metadata(self) -> None: """ Compute dataset metadata and statistics """ if len(self) > 0: if != "SQLExecutor": lux.config.executor.compute_stats(self) lux.config.executor.compute_dataset_metadata(self) self._infer_structure() self._metadata_fresh = True
[docs] def maintain_metadata(self) -> None: """ Maintain dataset metadata and statistics (Compute only if needed) """ is_sql_tbl = == "SQLExecutor" if lux.config.SQLconnection != "" and is_sql_tbl: from lux.executor.SQLExecutor import SQLExecutor lux.config.executor = SQLExecutor() if lux.config.lazy_maintain: # Check that metadata has not yet been computed if not hasattr(self, "_metadata_fresh") or not self._metadata_fresh: # only compute metadata information if the dataframe is non-empty self.compute_metadata() else: self.compute_metadata()
[docs] def expire_recs(self) -> None: """ Expires and resets all recommendations """ if lux.config.lazy_maintain: self._recs_fresh = False self._recommendation = {} self._widget = None self._rec_info = None self._sampled = None
[docs] def expire_metadata(self) -> None: """ Expire all saved metadata to trigger a recomputation the next time the data is required. """ if lux.config.lazy_maintain: self._metadata_fresh = False self._data_type = None self.unique_values = None self.cardinality = None self._min_max = None self.pre_aggregated = None
##################### ## Override Pandas ## ##################### def __getattr__(self, name): ret_value = super(LuxDataFrame, self).__getattr__(name) self.expire_metadata() self.expire_recs() return ret_value def _set_axis(self, axis, labels): super(LuxDataFrame, self)._set_axis(axis, labels) self.expire_metadata() self.expire_recs() def _update_inplace(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LuxDataFrame, self)._update_inplace(*args, **kwargs) self.expire_metadata() self.expire_recs() def _set_item(self, key, value): super(LuxDataFrame, self)._set_item(key, value) self.expire_metadata() self.expire_recs() def _infer_structure(self): # If the dataframe is very small and the index column is not a range index, then it is likely that this is an aggregated data is_multi_index_flag = self.index.nlevels != 1 not_int_index_flag = not pd.api.types.is_integer_dtype(self.index) is_sql_tbl = == "SQLExecutor" small_df_flag = len(self) < 100 and is_sql_tbl if self.pre_aggregated == None: self.pre_aggregated = (is_multi_index_flag or not_int_index_flag) and small_df_flag if "Number of Records" in self.columns: self.pre_aggregated = True self.pre_aggregated = "groupby" in [ for event in self.history] and not is_sql_tbl @property def intent(self): """ Main function to set the intent of the dataframe. The intent input goes through the parser, so that the string inputs are parsed into a lux.Clause object. Parameters ---------- intent : List[str,Clause] intent list, can be a mix of string shorthand or a lux.Clause object Notes ----- :doc:`../guide/intent` """ return self._intent @intent.setter def intent(self, intent_input: Union[List[Union[str, Clause]], Vis]): is_list_input = isinstance(intent_input, list) is_vis_input = isinstance(intent_input, Vis) if not (is_list_input or is_vis_input): raise TypeError( "Input intent must be either a list (of strings or lux.Clause) or a lux.Vis object." "\nSee more at:" ) if is_list_input: self.set_intent(intent_input) elif is_vis_input: self.set_intent_as_vis(intent_input) def clear_intent(self): self.intent = [] self.expire_recs() def set_intent(self, intent: List[Union[str, Clause]]): self.expire_recs() self._intent = intent self._parse_validate_compile_intent() def _parse_validate_compile_intent(self): self.maintain_metadata() from lux.processor.Parser import Parser from lux.processor.Validator import Validator self._intent = Parser.parse(self._intent) Validator.validate_intent(self._intent, self) self.maintain_metadata() from lux.processor.Compiler import Compiler self.current_vis = Compiler.compile_intent(self, self._intent) def copy_intent(self): # creates a true copy of the dataframe's intent output = [] for clause in self._intent: temp_clause = clause.copy_clause() output.append(temp_clause) return output
[docs] def set_intent_as_vis(self, vis: Vis): """ Set intent of the dataframe based on the intent of a Vis Parameters ---------- vis : Vis Input Vis object """ self.expire_recs() self._intent = vis._inferred_intent self._parse_validate_compile_intent()
[docs] def set_data_type(self, types: dict): """ Set the data type for a particular attribute in the dataframe overriding the automatically-detected type inferred by Lux Parameters ---------- types: dict Dictionary that maps attribute/column name to a specified Lux Type. Possible options: "nominal", "quantitative", "id", and "temporal". Example ---------- df = pd.read_csv("") df.set_data_type({"ID":"id", "Reason for absence":"nominal"}) """ if self._type_override == None: self._type_override = types else: self._type_override = {**self._type_override, **types} if not self.data_type: self.maintain_metadata() for attr in types: if types[attr] not in ["nominal", "quantitative", "id", "temporal"]: raise ValueError( f'Invalid data type option specified for {attr}. Please use one of the following supported types: ["nominal", "quantitative", "id", "temporal"]' ) self.data_type[attr] = types[attr] self.expire_recs()
def to_pandas(self): import lux.core return lux.core.originalDF(self, copy=False) @property def recommendation(self): if self._recommendation is not None and self._recommendation == {}: from lux.processor.Compiler import Compiler self.maintain_metadata() self.current_vis = Compiler.compile_intent(self, self._intent) self.maintain_recs() return self._recommendation @recommendation.setter def recommendation(self, recommendation: Dict): self._recommendation = recommendation @property def current_vis(self): from lux.processor.Validator import Validator # _parse_validate_compile_intent does not call executor, # we only attach data to current vis when user request current_vis valid_current_vis = ( self._current_vis is not None and len(self._current_vis) > 0 and self._current_vis[0].data is None and self._current_vis[0].intent ) if valid_current_vis and Validator.validate_intent(self._current_vis[0].intent, self): lux.config.executor.execute(self._current_vis, self) return self._current_vis @current_vis.setter def current_vis(self, current_vis: Dict): self._current_vis = current_vis def _append_rec(self, rec_infolist, recommendations: Dict): if recommendations["collection"] is not None and len(recommendations["collection"]) > 0: rec_infolist.append(recommendations) def show_all_column_vis(self): if len(self.columns) > 1 and len(self.columns) < 4 and self.intent == [] or self.intent is None: vis = Vis(list(self.columns), self) if vis.mark != "": vis._all_column = True self.current_vis = VisList([vis]) def maintain_recs(self, is_series="DataFrame"): # `rec_df` is the dataframe to generate the recommendations on # check to see if globally defined actions have been registered/removed if lux.config.update_actions["flag"] == True: self._recs_fresh = False show_prev = False # flag indicating whether rec_df is showing previous df or current self if self._prev is not None: rec_df = self._prev rec_df._message = Message() rec_df.maintain_metadata() # the prev dataframe may not have been printed before last_event = self.history._events[-1].name rec_df._message.add( f"Lux is visualizing the previous version of the dataframe before you applied <code>{last_event}</code>." ) show_prev = True else: rec_df = self rec_df._message = Message() # Add warning message if there exist ID fields if len(rec_df) == 0: rec_df._message.add(f"Lux cannot operate on an empty {is_series}.") elif len(rec_df) < 5 and not rec_df.pre_aggregated: rec_df._message.add( f"The {is_series} is too small to visualize. To generate visualizations in Lux, the {is_series} must contain at least 5 rows." ) elif self.index.nlevels >= 2 or self.columns.nlevels >= 2: rec_df._message.add( f"Lux does not currently support visualizations in a {is_series} " f"with hierarchical indexes.\n" f"Please convert the {is_series} into a flat " f"table via pandas.DataFrame.reset_index." ) else: id_fields_str = "" inverted_data_type = lux.config.executor.invert_data_type(rec_df.data_type) if len(inverted_data_type["id"]) > 0: for id_field in inverted_data_type["id"]: id_fields_str += f"<code>{id_field}</code>, " id_fields_str = id_fields_str[:-2] rec_df._message.add(f"{id_fields_str} is not visualized since it resembles an ID field.") rec_df._prev = None # reset _prev # If lazy, check that recs has not yet been computed lazy_but_not_computed = lux.config.lazy_maintain and ( not hasattr(rec_df, "_recs_fresh") or not rec_df._recs_fresh ) eager = not lux.config.lazy_maintain # Check that recs has not yet been computed if lazy_but_not_computed or eager: is_sql_tbl = == "SQLExecutor" rec_infolist = [] from lux.action.row_group import row_group from lux.action.column_group import column_group # TODO: Rewrite these as register action inside default actions if rec_df.pre_aggregated: if is not None: rec_df._append_rec(rec_infolist, row_group(rec_df)) rec_df._append_rec(rec_infolist, column_group(rec_df)) elif not (len(rec_df) < 5 and not rec_df.pre_aggregated and not is_sql_tbl) and not ( self.index.nlevels >= 2 or self.columns.nlevels >= 2 ): from lux.action.custom import custom_actions # generate vis from globally registered actions and append to dataframe custom_action_collection = custom_actions(rec_df) for rec in custom_action_collection: rec_df._append_rec(rec_infolist, rec) lux.config.update_actions["flag"] = False # Store _rec_info into a more user-friendly dictionary form rec_df._recommendation = {} for rec_info in rec_infolist: action_type = rec_info["action"] vlist = rec_info["collection"] if len(vlist) > 0: rec_df._recommendation[action_type] = vlist rec_df._rec_info = rec_infolist rec_df.show_all_column_vis() if lux.config.render_widget: self._widget = rec_df.render_widget() # re-render widget for the current dataframe if previous rec is not recomputed elif show_prev: rec_df.show_all_column_vis() if lux.config.render_widget: self._widget = rec_df.render_widget() self._recs_fresh = True ####################################################### ############## LuxWidget Result Display ############### ####################################################### @property def widget(self): if self._widget: return self._widget @property def exported(self) -> Union[Dict[str, VisList], VisList]: """ Get selected visualizations as exported Vis List Notes ----- Convert the _selectedVisIdxs dictionary into a programmable VisList Example _selectedVisIdxs : {'Correlation': [0, 2], 'Occurrence': [1]} indicating the 0th and 2nd vis from the `Correlation` tab is selected, and the 1st vis from the `Occurrence` tab is selected. Returns ------- Union[Dict[str,VisList], VisList] When there are no exported vis, return empty list -> [] When all the exported vis is from the same tab, return a VisList of selected visualizations. -> VisList(v1, v2...) When the exported vis is from the different tabs, return a dictionary with the action name as key and selected visualizations in the VisList. -> {"Enhance": VisList(v1, v2...), "Filter": VisList(v5, v7...), ..} """ if self.widget is None: warnings.warn( "\nNo widget attached to the dataframe." "Please assign dataframe to an output variable.\n" "See more:", stacklevel=2, ) return [] exported_vis_lst = self._widget._selectedVisIdxs exported_vis = [] if exported_vis_lst == {}: if self._saved_export: return self._saved_export warnings.warn( "\nNo visualization selected to export.\n" "See more:", stacklevel=2, ) return [] if len(exported_vis_lst) == 1 and "currentVis" in exported_vis_lst: return self.current_vis elif len(exported_vis_lst) > 1: exported_vis = {} if "currentVis" in exported_vis_lst: exported_vis["Current Vis"] = self.current_vis for export_action in exported_vis_lst: if export_action != "currentVis": exported_vis[export_action] = VisList( list( map( self._recommendation[export_action].__getitem__, exported_vis_lst[export_action], ) ) ) return exported_vis elif len(exported_vis_lst) == 1 and ("currentVis" not in exported_vis_lst): export_action = list(exported_vis_lst.keys())[0] exported_vis = VisList( list( map( self._recommendation[export_action].__getitem__, exported_vis_lst[export_action], ) ) ) self._saved_export = exported_vis return exported_vis else: warnings.warn( "\nNo visualization selected to export.\n" "See more:", stacklevel=2, ) return [] def remove_deleted_recs(self, change): for action in self._widget.deletedIndices: deletedSoFar = 0 for index in self._widget.deletedIndices[action]: self._recommendation[action].remove_index(index - deletedSoFar) deletedSoFar += 1 def set_intent_on_click(self, change): from IPython.display import display, clear_output from lux.processor.Compiler import Compiler intent_action = list(self._widget.selectedIntentIndex.keys())[0] vis = self._recommendation[intent_action][self._widget.selectedIntentIndex[intent_action][0]] self.set_intent_as_vis(vis) self.maintain_metadata() self.current_vis = Compiler.compile_intent(self, self._intent) self.maintain_recs() with self.output: clear_output() display(self._widget) self._widget.observe(self.remove_deleted_recs, names="deletedIndices") self._widget.observe(self.set_intent_on_click, names="selectedIntentIndex") def _ipython_display_(self): from IPython.display import display from IPython.display import clear_output import ipywidgets as widgets try: if self._pandas_only: display(self.display_pandas()) self._pandas_only = False else: if not self.index.nlevels >= 2 or self.columns.nlevels >= 2: self.maintain_metadata() if self._intent != [] and (not hasattr(self, "_compiled") or not self._compiled): from lux.processor.Compiler import Compiler self.current_vis = Compiler.compile_intent(self, self._intent) if lux.config.default_display == "lux": self._toggle_pandas_display = False else: self._toggle_pandas_display = True # df_to_display.maintain_recs() # compute the recommendations (TODO: This can be rendered in another thread in the background to populate self._widget) self.maintain_recs() # Observers(callback_function, listen_to_this_variable) self._widget.observe(self.remove_deleted_recs, names="deletedIndices") self._widget.observe(self.set_intent_on_click, names="selectedIntentIndex") button = widgets.Button( description="Toggle Pandas/Lux", layout=widgets.Layout(width="140px", top="5px"), ) self.output = widgets.Output() display(button, self.output) def on_button_clicked(b): with self.output: if b: self._toggle_pandas_display = not self._toggle_pandas_display clear_output() if self._toggle_pandas_display: display(self.display_pandas()) else: # b.layout.display = "none" display(self._widget) # b.layout.display = "inline-block" button.on_click(on_button_clicked) on_button_clicked(None) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except Exception: if lux.config.pandas_fallback: warnings.warn( "\nUnexpected error in rendering Lux widget and recommendations. " "Falling back to Pandas display.\n" "Please report the following issue on Github: \n", stacklevel=2, ) warnings.warn(traceback.format_exc()) display(self.display_pandas()) else: raise def display_pandas(self): return self.to_pandas()
[docs] def render_widget(self, renderer: str = "altair", input_current_vis=""): """ Generate a LuxWidget based on the LuxDataFrame Structure of widgetJSON: { 'current_vis': {}, 'recommendation': [ { 'action': 'Correlation', 'description': "some description", 'vspec': [ {Vega-Lite spec for vis 1}, {Vega-Lite spec for vis 2}, ... ] }, ... repeat for other actions ] } Parameters ---------- renderer : str, optional Choice of visualization rendering library, by default "altair" input_current_vis : lux.LuxDataFrame, optional User-specified current vis to override default Current Vis, by default """ check_import_lux_widget() import luxwidget widgetJSON = self.to_JSON(self._rec_info, input_current_vis=input_current_vis) return luxwidget.LuxWidget( currentVis=widgetJSON["current_vis"], recommendations=widgetJSON["recommendation"], intent=LuxDataFrame.intent_to_string(self._intent), message=self._message.to_html(), config={"plottingScale": lux.config.plotting_scale}, )
@staticmethod def intent_to_JSON(intent): from lux.utils import utils filter_specs = utils.get_filter_specs(intent) attrs_specs = utils.get_attrs_specs(intent) intent = {} intent["attributes"] = [clause.attribute for clause in attrs_specs] intent["filters"] = [clause.attribute for clause in filter_specs] return intent @staticmethod def intent_to_string(intent): if intent: return ", ".join([clause.to_string() for clause in intent]) else: return "" def to_JSON(self, rec_infolist, input_current_vis=""): widget_spec = {} if self.current_vis: lux.config.executor.execute(self.current_vis, self) widget_spec["current_vis"] = LuxDataFrame.current_vis_to_JSON( self.current_vis, input_current_vis ) else: widget_spec["current_vis"] = {} widget_spec["recommendation"] = [] # Recommended Collection recCollection = LuxDataFrame.rec_to_JSON(rec_infolist) widget_spec["recommendation"].extend(recCollection) return widget_spec @staticmethod def current_vis_to_JSON(vlist, input_current_vis=""): current_vis_spec = {} numVC = len(vlist) # number of visualizations in the vis list if numVC == 1: current_vis_spec = vlist[0].to_code(language=lux.config.plotting_backend, prettyOutput=False) elif numVC > 1: pass if vlist[0]._all_column: current_vis_spec["allcols"] = True else: current_vis_spec["allcols"] = False return current_vis_spec @staticmethod def rec_to_JSON(recs): rec_lst = [] import copy rec_copy = copy.deepcopy(recs) for idx, rec in enumerate(rec_copy): if len(rec["collection"]) > 0: rec["vspec"] = [] for vis in rec["collection"]: chart = vis.to_code(language=lux.config.plotting_backend, prettyOutput=False) rec["vspec"].append(chart) rec_lst.append(rec) # delete since not JSON serializable del rec_lst[idx]["collection"] return rec_lst
[docs] def save_as_html(self, filename: str = "export.html", output=False): """ Save dataframe widget as static HTML file Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename for the output HTML file """ if self.widget is None: self.maintain_metadata() self.maintain_recs() from ipywidgets.embed import embed_data data = embed_data(views=[self.widget]) import json manager_state = json.dumps(data["manager_state"]) widget_view = json.dumps(data["view_specs"][0]) # Separate out header since CSS file conflict with {} notation in Python format strings header = """ <head> <title>Lux Widget</title> <link rel="lux" type="image/png" sizes="96x96" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-TX8t27EcRE3e/ihU7zmQxVncDAy5uIKz4rEkgIXeMed4M0jlfIDPvg6uqKI2xXr2" crossorigin="anonymous"> <!-- Load RequireJS, used by the IPywidgets for dependency management --> <script src="" integrity="sha256-Ae2Vz/4ePdIu6ZyI/5ZGsYnb+m0JlOmKPjt6XZ9JJkA=" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script> <!-- Load IPywidgets bundle for embedding. --> <script src="^0.18.0/dist/embed-amd.js" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script> <style type="text/css"> #intentBtn, #warnBtn, #exportBtn{ display: none; } #deleteBtn { right: 10px !important; } #footer-description{ margin: 10px; text-align: right; } </style> </head> """ html_template = """ <html> {header} <body> <script type="application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json"> {manager_state} </script> <script type="application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json"> {widget_view} </script> <div id="footer-description"> These visualizations were generated by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" width="65px" style="vertical-align: middle;"></img></a> </div> </body> </html> """ manager_state = json.dumps(data["manager_state"]) widget_view = json.dumps(data["view_specs"][0]) rendered_template = html_template.format( header=header, manager_state=manager_state, widget_view=widget_view ) if output: return rendered_template else: with open(filename, "w") as fp: fp.write(rendered_template) print(f"Saved HTML to {filename}")
# Overridden Pandas Functions
[docs] def head(self, n: int = 5): ret_val = super(LuxDataFrame, self).head(n) ret_val._prev = self ret_val._history.append_event("head", n=5) return ret_val
[docs] def tail(self, n: int = 5): ret_val = super(LuxDataFrame, self).tail(n) ret_val._prev = self ret_val._history.append_event("tail", n=5) return ret_val
[docs] def groupby(self, *args, **kwargs): history_flag = False if "history" not in kwargs or ("history" in kwargs and kwargs["history"]): history_flag = True if "history" in kwargs: del kwargs["history"] groupby_obj = super(LuxDataFrame, self).groupby(*args, **kwargs) for attr in self._metadata: groupby_obj.__dict__[attr] = getattr(self, attr, None) if history_flag: groupby_obj._history = groupby_obj._history.copy() groupby_obj._history.append_event("groupby", *args, **kwargs) groupby_obj.pre_aggregated = True return groupby_obj