Basic API Interface

lux.vis.Vis.Vis Vis Object represents a collection of fully fleshed out specifications required for data fetching and visualization.
lux.vis.VisList.VisList VisList is a list of Vis objects.
lux.vis.Vis.Clause Clause is the object representation of a single unit of the specification.
lux.core.frame.LuxDataFrame A subclass of pd.DataFrame that supports all dataframe operations while housing other variables and functions for generating visual recommendations.

Advanced Internals (Dev)

lux.processor.Compiler.Compiler Given a intent with underspecified inputs, compile the intent into fully specified visualizations for visualization.
lux.processor.Parser.Parser The parser takes in the user’s input specifications (with string description fields), then generates the Lux internal specification through lux.Clause.
lux.processor.Validator.Validator Contains methods for validating lux.Clause objects in the intent.
lux.executor.Executor.Executor Abstract class for the execution engine that fetches data for a given vis on a LuxDataFrame
lux.executor.PandasExecutor.PandasExecutor Given a Vis objects with complete specifications, fetch and process data using Pandas dataframe operations.
lux.executor.SQLExecutor.SQLExecutor Given a Vis objects with complete specifications, fetch and process data using SQL operations.
lux.vislib.altair.AltairChart.AltairChart AltairChart is a representation of a chart.
lux.vislib.altair.AltairRenderer.AltairRenderer Renderer for Charts based on Altair (https://altair-viz.github.io/)
lux.vislib.altair.BarChart.BarChart BarChart is a subclass of AltairChart that render as a bar charts.
lux.vislib.altair.Histogram.Histogram Histogram is a subclass of AltairChart that render as a histograms.
lux.vislib.altair.LineChart.LineChart LineChart is a subclass of AltairChart that render as a line charts.
lux.vislib.altair.ScatterChart.ScatterChart ScatterChart is a subclass of AltairChart that render as a scatter charts.