Source code for lux.processor.Compiler

#  Copyright 2019-2020 The Lux Authors.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from lux.vis import Clause
from typing import List, Dict, Union
from lux.vis.Vis import Vis
from lux.core.frame import LuxDataFrame
from lux.vis.VisList import VisList
from lux.utils import date_utils
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings
import lux

[docs]class Compiler: """ Given a intent with underspecified inputs, compile the intent into fully specified visualizations for visualization. """
[docs] def __init__(self): = "Compiler" warnings.formatwarning = lux.warning_format
def __repr__(self): return f"<Compiler>"
[docs] @staticmethod def compile_vis(ldf: LuxDataFrame, vis: Vis) -> Vis: """ Root method for compiling visualizations Parameters ---------- ldf : LuxDataFrame vis : Vis Returns ------- Vis Compiled Vis object """ if vis: # autofill data type/model information Compiler.populate_data_type_model(ldf, [vis]) # remove invalid visualizations from collection Compiler.remove_all_invalid([vis]) # autofill viz related information Compiler.determine_encoding(ldf, vis) ldf._compiled = True return vis
[docs] @staticmethod def compile_intent(ldf: LuxDataFrame, _inferred_intent: List[Clause]) -> VisList: """ Compiles input specifications in the intent of the ldf into a collection of lux.vis objects for visualization. 1) Enumerate a collection of visualizations interested by the user to generate a vis list 2) Expand underspecified specifications(lux.Clause) for each of the generated visualizations. 3) Determine encoding properties for each vis Parameters ---------- ldf : lux.core.frame LuxDataFrame with underspecified intent. vis_collection : list[lux.vis.Vis] empty list that will be populated with specified lux.Vis objects. Returns ------- vis_collection: list[lux.Vis] vis list with compiled lux.Vis objects. """ if _inferred_intent: vis_collection = Compiler.enumerate_collection(_inferred_intent, ldf) # autofill data type/model information Compiler.populate_data_type_model(ldf, vis_collection) # remove invalid visualizations from collection if len(vis_collection) >= 1: vis_collection = Compiler.remove_all_invalid(vis_collection) for vis in vis_collection: # autofill viz related information Compiler.determine_encoding(ldf, vis) ldf._compiled = True return vis_collection
[docs] @staticmethod def enumerate_collection(_inferred_intent: List[Clause], ldf: LuxDataFrame) -> VisList: """ Given specifications that have been expanded thorught populateOptions, recursively iterate over the resulting list combinations to generate a vis list. Parameters ---------- ldf : lux.core.frame LuxDataFrame with underspecified intent. Returns ------- VisList: list[lux.Vis] vis list with compiled lux.Vis objects. """ import copy intent = Compiler.populate_wildcard_options(_inferred_intent, ldf) attributes = intent["attributes"] filters = intent["filters"] if len(attributes) == 0 and len(filters) > 0: return [] collection = [] # TODO: generate combinations of column attributes recursively by continuing to accumulate attributes for len(colAtrr) times def combine(col_attrs, accum): last = len(col_attrs) == 1 n = len(col_attrs[0]) for i in range(n): column_list = copy.deepcopy(accum + [col_attrs[0][i]]) if last: # if we have filters, generate combinations for each row. if len(filters) > 0: for row in filters: _inferred_intent = copy.deepcopy(column_list + [row]) vis = Vis(_inferred_intent) collection.append(vis) else: vis = Vis(column_list) collection.append(vis) else: combine(col_attrs[1:], column_list) combine(attributes, []) return VisList(collection)
[docs] @staticmethod def populate_data_type_model(ldf, vlist): """ Given a underspecified Clause, populate the data_type and data_model information accordingly Parameters ---------- ldf : lux.core.frame LuxDataFrame with underspecified intent vis_collection : list[lux.vis.Vis] List of lux.Vis objects that will have their underspecified Clause details filled out. """ # TODO: copy might not be neccesary from lux.utils.date_utils import is_datetime_string for vis in vlist: for clause in vis._inferred_intent: if clause.description == "?": clause.description = "" # TODO: Note that "and not is_datetime_string(clause.attribute))" is a temporary hack and breaks the `test_row_column_group` example # and not is_datetime_string(clause.attribute): if clause.attribute != "" and clause.attribute != "Record": if clause.data_type == "": clause.data_type = ldf.data_type_lookup[clause.attribute] if clause.data_type == "id": clause.data_type = "nominal" if clause.data_model == "": clause.data_model = ldf.data_model_lookup[clause.attribute] if clause.value != "": # If user provided title for Vis, then don't override. if vis.title == "": if isinstance(clause.value, np.datetime64): chart_title = date_utils.date_formatter(clause.value, ldf) else: chart_title = clause.value vis.title = f"{clause.attribute} {clause.filter_op} {chart_title}"
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_all_invalid(vis_collection: VisList) -> VisList: """ Given an expanded vis list, remove all visualizations that are invalid. Currently, the invalid visualizations are ones that contain two of the same attribute, no more than two temporal attributes, or overlapping attributes (same filter attribute and visualized attribute). Parameters ---------- vis_collection : list[lux.vis.Vis] empty list that will be populated with specified lux.Vis objects. Returns ------- lux.vis.VisList vis list with compiled lux.Vis objects. """ new_vc = [] for vis in vis_collection: num_temporal_specs = 0 attribute_set = set() for clause in vis._inferred_intent: attribute_set.add(clause.attribute) if clause.data_type == "temporal": num_temporal_specs += 1 all_distinct_specs = 0 == len(vis._inferred_intent) - len(attribute_set) if num_temporal_specs < 2 and all_distinct_specs: new_vc.append(vis) # else: # warnings.warn("\nThere is more than one duplicate attribute specified in the intent.\nPlease check your intent specification again.") return VisList(new_vc)
[docs] @staticmethod def determine_encoding(ldf: LuxDataFrame, vis: Vis): """ Populates Vis with the appropriate mark type and channel information based on ShowMe logic Currently support up to 3 dimensions or measures Parameters ---------- ldf : lux.core.frame LuxDataFrame with underspecified intent vis : lux.vis.Vis Returns ------- None Notes ----- Implementing automatic encoding from Tableau's VizQL Mackinlay, J. D., Hanrahan, P., & Stolte, C. (2007). Show Me: Automatic presentation for visual analysis. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(6), 1137–1144. """ # Count number of measures and dimensions ndim = 0 nmsr = 0 filters = [] for clause in vis._inferred_intent: if clause.value == "": if clause.data_model == "dimension": ndim += 1 elif clause.data_model == "measure" and clause.attribute != "Record": nmsr += 1 else: # preserve to add back to _inferred_intent later filters.append(clause) # Helper function (TODO: Move this into utils) def line_or_bar(ldf, dimension: Clause, measure: Clause): dim_type = dimension.data_type # If no aggregation function is specified, then default as average if measure.aggregation == "": measure.set_aggregation("mean") if dim_type == "temporal" or dim_type == "oridinal": return "line", {"x": dimension, "y": measure} else: # unordered categorical # if cardinality large than 5 then sort bars if ldf.cardinality[dimension.attribute] > 5: dimension.sort = "ascending" return "bar", {"x": measure, "y": dimension} # ShowMe logic + additional heuristics # count_col = Clause( attribute="count()", data_model="measure") count_col = Clause( attribute="Record", aggregation="count", data_model="measure", data_type="quantitative", ) auto_channel = {} if ndim == 0 and nmsr == 1: # Histogram with Count measure = vis.get_attr_by_data_model("measure", exclude_record=True)[0] if len(vis.get_attr_by_attr_name("Record")) < 0: vis._inferred_intent.append(count_col) # If no bin specified, then default as 10 if measure.bin_size == 0: measure.bin_size = 10 auto_channel = {"x": measure, "y": count_col} vis._mark = "histogram" elif ndim == 1 and (nmsr == 0 or nmsr == 1): # Line or Bar Chart if nmsr == 0: vis._inferred_intent.append(count_col) dimension = vis.get_attr_by_data_model("dimension")[0] measure = vis.get_attr_by_data_model("measure")[0] vis._mark, auto_channel = line_or_bar(ldf, dimension, measure) elif ndim == 2 and (nmsr == 0 or nmsr == 1): # Line or Bar chart broken down by the dimension dimensions = vis.get_attr_by_data_model("dimension") d1 = dimensions[0] d2 = dimensions[1] if ldf.cardinality[d1.attribute] < ldf.cardinality[d2.attribute]: # = "color" vis.remove_column_from_spec(d1.attribute) dimension = d2 color_attr = d1 else: # if same attribute then remove_column_from_spec will remove both dims, we only want to remove one if d1.attribute == d2.attribute: vis._inferred_intent.pop(0) else: vis.remove_column_from_spec(d2.attribute) dimension = d1 color_attr = d2 # Colored Bar/Line chart with Count as default measure if not ldf.pre_aggregated: if nmsr == 0 and not ldf.pre_aggregated: vis._inferred_intent.append(count_col) measure = vis.get_attr_by_data_model("measure")[0] vis._mark, auto_channel = line_or_bar(ldf, dimension, measure) auto_channel["color"] = color_attr elif ndim == 0 and nmsr == 2: # Scatterplot vis._mark = "scatter" vis._inferred_intent[0].set_aggregation(None) vis._inferred_intent[1].set_aggregation(None) auto_channel = {"x": vis._inferred_intent[0], "y": vis._inferred_intent[1]} elif ndim == 1 and nmsr == 2: # Scatterplot broken down by the dimension measure = vis.get_attr_by_data_model("measure") m1 = measure[0] m2 = measure[1] vis._inferred_intent[0].set_aggregation(None) vis._inferred_intent[1].set_aggregation(None) color_attr = vis.get_attr_by_data_model("dimension")[0] vis.remove_column_from_spec(color_attr) vis._mark = "scatter" auto_channel = {"x": m1, "y": m2, "color": color_attr} elif ndim == 0 and nmsr == 3: # Scatterplot with color vis._mark = "scatter" auto_channel = { "x": vis._inferred_intent[0], "y": vis._inferred_intent[1], "color": vis._inferred_intent[2], } relevant_attributes = [auto_channel[channel].attribute for channel in auto_channel] relevant_min_max = dict( (attr, ldf._min_max[attr]) for attr in relevant_attributes if attr != "Record" and attr in ldf._min_max ) vis._min_max = relevant_min_max if auto_channel != {}: vis = Compiler.enforce_specified_channel(vis, auto_channel) vis._inferred_intent.extend(filters) # add back the preserved filters
[docs] @staticmethod def enforce_specified_channel(vis: Vis, auto_channel: Dict[str, str]): """ Enforces that the channels specified in the Vis by users overrides the showMe autoChannels. Parameters ---------- vis : lux.vis.Vis Input Vis without channel specification. auto_channel : Dict[str,str] Key-value pair in the form [channel: attributeName] specifying the showMe recommended channel location. Returns ------- vis : lux.vis.Vis Vis with channel specification combining both original and auto_channel specification. Raises ------ ValueError Ensures no more than one attribute is placed in the same channel. """ # result of enforcing specified channel will be stored in result_dict result_dict = {} # specified_dict={"x":[],"y":[list of Dobj with y specified as channel]} specified_dict = {} # create a dictionary of specified channels in the given dobj for val in auto_channel.keys(): specified_dict[val] = vis.get_attr_by_channel(val) result_dict[val] = "" # for every element, replace with what's in specified_dict if specified for sVal, sAttr in specified_dict.items(): if len(sAttr) == 1: # if specified in dobj # remove the specified channel from auto_channel (matching by value, since channel key may not be same) for i in list(auto_channel.keys()): # need to ensure that the channel is the same (edge case when duplicate Cols with same attribute name) if ( auto_channel[i].attribute == sAttr[0].attribute and auto_channel[i].channel == sVal ): auto_channel.pop(i) break sAttr[0].channel = sVal result_dict[sVal] = sAttr[0] elif len(sAttr) > 1: raise ValueError( "There should not be more than one attribute specified in the same channel." ) # For the leftover channels that are still unspecified in result_dict, # and the leftovers in the auto_channel specification, # step through them together and fill it automatically. leftover_channels = list(filter(lambda x: result_dict[x] == "", result_dict)) for leftover_channel, leftover_encoding in zip(leftover_channels, auto_channel.values()): = leftover_channel result_dict[leftover_channel] = leftover_encoding vis._inferred_intent = list(result_dict.values()) return vis
[docs] @staticmethod # def populate_wildcard_options(ldf: LuxDataFrame) -> dict: def populate_wildcard_options(_inferred_intent: List[Clause], ldf: LuxDataFrame) -> dict: """ Given wildcards and constraints in the LuxDataFrame's intent, return the list of available values that satisfies the data_type or data_model constraints. Parameters ---------- ldf : LuxDataFrame LuxDataFrame with row or attributes populated with available wildcard options. Returns ------- intent: Dict[str,list] a dictionary that holds the attributes and filters generated from wildcards and constraints. """ import copy from lux.utils.utils import convert_to_list intent = {"attributes": [], "filters": []} for clause in _inferred_intent: spec_options = [] if clause.value == "": # attribute if clause.attribute == "?": options = set(list(ldf.columns)) # all attributes if clause.data_type != "": options = options.intersection(set(ldf.data_type[clause.data_type])) if clause.data_model != "": options = options.intersection(set(ldf.data_model[clause.data_model])) options = list(options) else: options = convert_to_list(clause.attribute) for optStr in options: if str(optStr) not in clause.exclude: spec_copy = copy.copy(clause) spec_copy.attribute = optStr spec_options.append(spec_copy) intent["attributes"].append(spec_options) else: # filters attr_lst = convert_to_list(clause.attribute) for attr in attr_lst: options = [] if clause.value == "?": options = ldf.unique_values[attr] specInd = _inferred_intent.index(clause) _inferred_intent[specInd] = Clause( attribute=clause.attribute, filter_op="=", value=list(options), ) else: options.extend(convert_to_list(clause.value)) for optStr in options: if str(optStr) not in clause.exclude: spec_copy = copy.copy(clause) spec_copy.attribute = attr spec_copy.value = optStr spec_options.append(spec_copy) intent["filters"].extend(spec_options) return intent