
class lux.processor.Compiler.Compiler[source]

Given a intent with underspecified inputs, compile the intent into fully specified visualizations for visualization.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.



Initialize self.

compile_intent(ldf, _inferred_intent)

Compiles input specifications in the intent of the ldf into a collection of lux.vis objects for visualization.

compile_vis(ldf, vis)

determine_encoding(ldf, vis)

Populates Vis with the appropriate mark type and channel information based on ShowMe logic Currently support up to 3 dimensions or measures

enforce_specified_channel(vis, auto_channel)

Enforces that the channels specified in the Vis by users overrides the showMe autoChannels.

enumerate_collection(_inferred_intent, ldf)

Given specifications that have been expanded thorught populateOptions, recursively iterate over the resulting list combinations to generate a vis list.

populate_data_type_model(ldf, vis_collection)

Given a underspecified Clause, populate the data_type and data_model information accordingly

populate_wildcard_options(_inferred_intent, ldf)

Given wildcards and constraints in the LuxDataFrame’s intent, return the list of available values that satisfies the data_type or data_model constraints.


Given an expanded vis list, remove all visualizations that are invalid.