lux.processor package


lux.processor.Compiler module

class lux.processor.Compiler.Compiler[source]

Bases: object

Given a intent with underspecified inputs, compile the intent into fully specified visualizations for visualization.

static compile_intent(ldf: lux.core.frame.LuxDataFrame, _inferred_intent: List[lux.vis.Clause.Clause]) → lux.vis.VisList.VisList[source]

Compiles input specifications in the intent of the ldf into a collection of lux.vis objects for visualization. 1) Enumerate a collection of visualizations interested by the user to generate a vis list 2) Expand underspecified specifications(lux.Clause) for each of the generated visualizations. 3) Determine encoding properties for each vis

  • ldf (lux.core.frame) – LuxDataFrame with underspecified intent.
  • vis_collection (list[lux.vis.Vis]) – empty list that will be populated with specified lux.Vis objects.

vis_collection – vis list with compiled lux.Vis objects.

Return type:


static compile_vis(ldf: lux.core.frame.LuxDataFrame, vis: lux.vis.Vis.Vis) → lux.vis.Vis.Vis[source]

Root method for compiling visualizations


Compiled Vis object

Return type:


static determine_encoding(ldf: lux.core.frame.LuxDataFrame, vis: lux.vis.Vis.Vis)[source]

Populates Vis with the appropriate mark type and channel information based on ShowMe logic Currently support up to 3 dimensions or measures

  • ldf (lux.core.frame) – LuxDataFrame with underspecified intent
  • vis (lux.vis.Vis) –

Return type:



Implementing automatic encoding from Tableau’s VizQL Mackinlay, J. D., Hanrahan, P., & Stolte, C. (2007). Show Me: Automatic presentation for visual analysis. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(6), 1137–1144.

static enforce_specified_channel(vis: lux.vis.Vis.Vis, auto_channel: Dict[str, str])[source]

Enforces that the channels specified in the Vis by users overrides the showMe autoChannels.

  • vis (lux.vis.Vis) – Input Vis without channel specification.
  • auto_channel (Dict[str,str]) – Key-value pair in the form [channel: attributeName] specifying the showMe recommended channel location.

vis – Vis with channel specification combining both original and auto_channel specification.

Return type:



ValueError – Ensures no more than one attribute is placed in the same channel.

static enumerate_collection(_inferred_intent: List[lux.vis.Clause.Clause], ldf: lux.core.frame.LuxDataFrame) → lux.vis.VisList.VisList[source]

Given specifications that have been expanded thorught populateOptions, recursively iterate over the resulting list combinations to generate a vis list.

Parameters:ldf (lux.core.frame) – LuxDataFrame with underspecified intent.
Returns:VisList – vis list with compiled lux.Vis objects.
Return type:list[lux.Vis]
static populate_data_type_model(ldf, vlist)[source]

Given a underspecified Clause, populate the data_type and data_model information accordingly

  • ldf (lux.core.frame) – LuxDataFrame with underspecified intent
  • vis_collection (list[lux.vis.Vis]) – List of lux.Vis objects that will have their underspecified Clause details filled out.
static populate_wildcard_options(_inferred_intent: List[lux.vis.Clause.Clause], ldf: lux.core.frame.LuxDataFrame) → dict[source]

Given wildcards and constraints in the LuxDataFrame’s intent, return the list of available values that satisfies the data_type or data_model constraints.

Parameters:ldf (LuxDataFrame) – LuxDataFrame with row or attributes populated with available wildcard options.
Returns:intent – a dictionary that holds the attributes and filters generated from wildcards and constraints.
Return type:Dict[str,list]
static remove_all_invalid(vis_collection: lux.vis.VisList.VisList) → lux.vis.VisList.VisList[source]

Given an expanded vis list, remove all visualizations that are invalid. Currently, the invalid visualizations are ones that do not contain: - two of the same attribute, - more than two temporal attributes, - no overlapping attributes (same filter attribute and visualized attribute), - more than 1 temporal attribute with 2 or more measures :param vis_collection: empty list that will be populated with specified lux.Vis objects. :type vis_collection: list[lux.vis.Vis]

Returns:vis list with compiled lux.Vis objects.
Return type:lux.vis.VisList

lux.processor.Parser module

class lux.processor.Parser.Parser[source]

Bases: object

The parser takes in the user’s input specifications (with string description fields), then generates the Lux internal specification through lux.Clause.

static parse(intent: List[Union[lux.vis.Clause.Clause, str]]) → List[lux.vis.Clause.Clause][source]

Given the string description from a list of input Clauses (intent), assign the appropriate clause.attribute, clause.filter_op, and clause.value.

Parameters:intent (List[Clause]) – Underspecified list of lux.Clause objects.
Returns:Parsed list of lux.Clause objects.
Return type:List[Clause]

lux.processor.Validator module

class lux.processor.Validator.Validator[source]

Bases: object

Contains methods for validating lux.Clause objects in the intent.

static validate_intent(intent: List[lux.vis.Clause.Clause], ldf: lux.core.frame.LuxDataFrame, suppress_warning=False)[source]

Validates input specifications from the user to find inconsistencies and errors.

Parameters:ldf (lux.core.frame) – LuxDataFrame with underspecified intent.
Returns:True if the intent passed in is valid, False otherwise.
Return type:Boolean
Raises:ValueError – Ensures input intent are consistent with DataFrame content.

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